Regression in struct implementation causing stack overflow

John Berquist 5 December 2019 at 16:20
@Michael Offner: @Brad Wood actually pointed LDEV-2479
out to me on Slack, I am really sorry I missed that earlier ticket - it did in fact solve my issue. I didn’t realize it because it hasn’t made it into a stable release yet. I created the test case above trying to figure out exactly what was causing my issue and apparently bumped into something else. I do appreciate the quick fix.

Michael Offner 5 December 2019 at 14:07

Michael Offner 5 December 2019 at 14:04Edited
@John Berquist does this fix solves your problem? i was able to reproduce and solve the issue with equals and the issue with hashcode was already solved in an earlier version.

John Berquist 3 December 2019 at 18:35
@Michael Offner I have a component that computes function names and ranges for CFML source files: (So that for exceptions that report a tag context array I can get the names of the CFML functions being executed from the source files and line numbers given). In order to do that I build a tree of parent and child structs tracking ranges in the source file - where the child structs have a reference their parent structs and the parents have arrays of child structs. At a particular point I needed the index of a child struct in its parent struct's array of child ranges. So I used var idx = func.parent.children.find( func );
That stopped working after the recent struct implementation updates.

Michael Offner 2 December 2019 at 21:36


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In Lucee version and following, the struct implementation was changed resulting in the following code causing a stack overflow:
struct1 = {}; struct2 = {}; struct1.struct2 = struct2; struct2.struct1 = struct1; struct1.equals(struct1);
This code causes a stack overflow at:
at java.util.AbstractMap$SimpleEntry.hashCode( at java.util.AbstractMap.hashCode(
While it is understandable why this causes the overflow at the `hashCode()` method, it did not in prior versions of Lucee and does not in ACF 2018.
For reference this code more closely approximates how I encountered it:
struct1 = {children: [{}]} struct2 = { parent: struct1 }; struct1.children.append(struct2); childIndex = struct2.parent.children.find(struct2);